We are what we eat

I’m grateful for the bounty of harvest season. This month, in honor of sharing food, we are donating $1 per sale to Slow Food USA.  Check them out.  They are doing amazing work to support good, clean, fair food. We are what we eat.  Our food affects our personal, community and global health.  Local food…

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In the spirit of giving

The Giving Season   We’re coming up on the holidays.  It’s a time when we put a lot of time and attention towards giving. I think that’s a good thing.  Our lives are much richer when we give to others.  It helps to grow compassion, empathy and joy. I’ve been reflecting on what we can…

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Exfoliation…Out with the old. In with the new.

Do you exfoliate?   Sure, the obvious is skin… but it goes so much deeper …as do all things. Is exfoliation natural? It’s officially Autumn and the very natural process of exfoliation is happening all around us in the Northern Hemisphere.  The daylight is growing shorter, trees are losing their leaves, gardens are slowing and…

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Equinox Reflections

The Autumn Equinox is upon us. It’s a time to contemplate balance.  Is there balance in our daily life, our relationships, our communities, our environment, our world? As I write this, the air is filled with smoke.  It’s acrid and confining, and it obscures visibility.  This inconvenience is nothing in comparison to the loss from…

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